Roland DG's new employees for 2024

New Employees Join Roland DG in 2024

04/11/2024 Corporate Activities

Roland DG welcomed 17 new employees and held an orientation ceremony at its Hamamatsu Head Office on April 1, 2024. It was the first orientation ceremony held in the new building.

President Tanabe and Managing Executive Officers attended the ceremony and welcomed the new employees. President Tanabe described how Roland DG has been creating new markets, delivering excitement, and growing together with our customers. He encouraged the new employees, saying, “I hope you tackle your work with passion and don’t forget to enjoy it.”

  • President Tanabe delivering the speech

  • President's presentation

The orientation ceremony concluded with declarations of determination from the new employees. They expressed their ambitions in their own words: “I want to strive every day to become an employee who supports and delights customers,” “I aim to be an engineer trusted by those around me,” “I want to develop products that can bring joy to people through our products and their outcomes.”

  • The new employees' speech

  • The new employees' speech

The training program began in the afternoon, immediately following the orientation ceremony. After about three weeks of training, the new employees will be assigned to various departments.
Let’s challenge each other and grow together as part of the Roland DG Group.