16 New Employees Join the Roland DG Team in 2020
07/22/2020 Corporate Activities
Sixteen new graduates were welcomed as members of Roland DG on April 1, 2020. They took part in several training courses that were mainly held remotely, before being assigned to their respective departments and embarking on their new careers.
Discovering more about the Roland DG company and products
A shortened version of the orientation ceremony was held this year as a precaution against the ongoing spread of the novel coronavirus. For the most part, the new employees participated in remote training courses at home, but also completed programs featuring practical work with products at Roland DG headquarters in Hamamatsu, Japan while taking extra measures to prevent infection.
Note: Beginning in April, Roland DG headquarters in Hamamatsu adopted a work-from-home schedule for most employees as part of measures taken to prevent the spread of the virus. Photos in this blog were taken before these measures began.

The orientation ceremony was shorter than ordinary, but the words of encouragement from President Tanabe seemed to leave a lasting impression with the new employees.

Sales staff in Tokyo working from home used remote online sessions to outline sales duties to new employees.

Gaining a better understanding of Roland DG’s main product line—inkjet printers.

New employees gained practical experience using laser decorators and other products, and then gave presentations on how to make improvements to products or come up with new applications for them.

The new employees learned what a UV printer is capable of by making clocks featuring their own designs.
Most of the new employees are Gen Z—born in the late 90s—and are familiar with digital devices, having used them since childhood. As such, the training sessions went smoothly using video conferencing software and business collaboration and chat tools.
Despite the technology available for organizing their training sessions, the new employees recognized the importance of face-to-face communications. We hope to see them further embracing digital tools and technology as they mature as employees during their interactions with others!