Product News
Roland DG Corporation
Roland DG Introduces VersaUV LEF2-300 Benchtop Flatbed UV Printer - Ultra-Realistic Graphics Targeted Toward Large, Growing Audience

Hamamatsu, Japan, September 2, 2019 - Roland DG Corporation, a leading manufacturer of wide-format inkjet printers and printer/cutters, today announced the VersaUV LEF2-300 benchtop UV flatbed printer to be rolled out worldwide over several months. The LEF2-300 is the newest model in the series and inherits the ability to print ultra-realistic graphics of the LEF2-200 released earlier this year while also delivering 1.5-times the print area and printing speed. It also comes with a range of new functions that make it even easier and more efficient to use.
The LEF2-300 employs UV-LED lamps to instantly cure ink on the surface of material with UV light, allowing photos, graphics and fine text to be printed onto PVC, plastics, canvas, wood, leather, fabric, and other materials with unmatched print quality. Using Clear (transparent) ink produces premium gloss and matte finishes which can be applied in multiple layers for a simulated embossing look and textures that seem amazingly lifelike. UV ink is designed for flexibility and can be used on soft materials such as leather and fabric. The 770 (W) x 330 (D) x 100 (H) mm print area of the LEF2-300, combined with its four print heads and two UV lamps, ensures enhanced productivity.
According to Kohei Tanabe, President of Roland DG's Digital Printing Business Division, new features make printing easier and more expeditious. "A Multiple Print Function for printing the same data again by simply pressing a button on the control panel and a Printer Status Monitor for checking the operating status of multiple printers in real-time promote efficient performance when printing large volumes."
"As everyone's lifestyles and preferences become increasingly varied, the demand for making one-of-a-kind items or high-mix, small-batch runs continues to grow," Kohei said. "The LEF2 series is designed to meet such demand as it is capable of on-demand printing quickly onto a diverse range of materials. The addition of the LEF2-300 to the series lineup gives even more customers the ability to print amazing graphics and lifelike textures. We aim to develop more products that encourage customer creativity in order to boost business growth."
- For more information, contact:
Roland DG Corporation
PR/IR Unit
+81 (0)53-484-1400